We have experience performing experimental measurements in flow and thermal systems to quantify a variety of performance metrics.
Measurement Capabilities
Flow Speed
Sound Level​
Pressure Fluctuations
Example Projects
Thermal testing of thermoelectric cooling units for a heart preservation device.
Flow measurements for developing a flow sensor for cow exhalation.
Acoustic measurements for reducing the noise output from a pet dryer.
We use COMSOL Multiphysics as our simulation platform for performing computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analyses. We many have years of experience simulating a variety of flow and thermal systems.
Simulation Capabilities
3D Laminar and Turbulent Flows​
Coupled Flow and Heat Transfer
Particle Tracing for Aerosols and Suspended Particulates​
Example Projects
Simulation of flow over an aftermarket product for a Tesla Model 3.
​Simulation of an axial flow heat exchanger to measure the heat transfer coefficient.
Feasibility analysis of cooling strategies for a ship deck heated by a V-22 Osprey.